as alot of you know, i'm planning on heading off to moscow, russia in the end of july of this year. same organization, just longer term again. a full year now. crazy, yet exciting. right now finances are being looked at and worked on. my first support letter will go out monday which i'm very happy about. living hope has basically agreed to do my paperwork and collect my money. so this is excellent. now comes the rest of my thoughts...
i feel like i want to teach myself so much about what i think i should be doing/do. i read in the NT about paul and the way that he feels and the way that he acts toward the people that he meets and shares his life and the gospel with. the praying that he does. that he is praying for them always and many different things for them. and i want to be like that myself. i want to be in prayer always for my russian friends. to feel for them, to be concerned about them. one i thing i think about myself is that i am not a very emotional person and i want to be for that reason. i'm glad char and i are dating because she helps and encourages me in this emotional aspect of myself. to let myself feel things and to not be scared of them. but to use them in the right way. but with prayer just the dedication to it, the remembrance of it and the consistency. the time set aside to do it. i want to make prayer daily occurances of my life that i set aside to do it. not just the spontaneous times. just requires some discipline but it leads into my other concern for myself. to not be entangled with the things of the world. and even to not be so about myself when i have time off. i want seeking God, spending time in the word or in prayer to be something that i want not just need. i mean i know i need God but i want to want Him. and to want Him enough to pursue Him and put him before other things. and i don't do that well. those two things are important issues for myself on my trip i think. i'd like to emphasize the words "i think". i am not sure if that is so, but we'll soon see. i have this sneaking suspicion that God is working on those things but on something more important that i'm not really aware of. and i know i'll be pleasantly surprised when i get there. and i'll be prepared for things that i wasn't thinking of, and what i was God will continue to perfect in me. i read that today in 1 thessalonians 3, to perfect. not to fix what was broke, but perfect what we are already doing. just struck me. a very important word choice. gives me encouragement that i am on the way, not just completely busted. coolness. so that is some thoughts i had on the subject. good times. otherwise things are great, def can't complain, love'n it all. busy with important things always but i'm making it. heres a quote for ya.
"Night and day praying exceedingly that we might see your face, and might perfect that which is lacking in your faith?" 1 thessalonians 3:10
You can only be young once. But you can always be immature. ~Dave Barry