why five iron frenzy is an amazing band
so, i bought the new fif cd recently, plus the live last show cd, amazing. so i decided to spend the time explaining why fif is quite possibly one of the most amazing bands of all time. and yet, does mainstream christianity think so? nope. hummmm. lets explore this possibility...
"This New Years Eve, something must change me inside,I'm crooked and misguided, and tired of being tired. This New Years Eve, I'm waiting for tomorrow.My heart is on my sleeve, and yes I still believe, in You." new years eve
this is an cliche thing to say right now, most people are. but are most people honest about it? derek webb is, fif is. they truly recognize how evil they can be sometimes and what must to do change this. note the use of the words "change me from the inside". only God can do that. this is something i hope that God will teach me, because i'm arrogant and prideful and judgemental. and i hope that God will change that in me.
"I thought I'd write an epiphany,how something good is changing me,but I guess we dodged some passing fad,it looks like it's so far, so bad." so far, so bad.
this is an awayer. this is a great line. i can't write an epiphany, it has to come to me, yet what do most people do? grab some book that everyone reads or some cd that everyone listens to. instead of waiting for God to change them, they try to do it by themselves because people can't deal with the fact that can't control what happens inside their heart. its so much easier to say that i changed myself to be like Christ, but thats bull. only God can do that. (not saying that God can't use fads, lots of these books are quite good, but see the point above)
"(The rockets are burning,the dreamers are at full swing)The heavens have painted have brushed you with angel wings and you know in your heart that the farsighted see better things" farsighted
the whole song is amazing, but just this part made it on here, but go look up the rest. want to know where hope is found? its in the future, to those who see past the present. to those who dream, who can see what is coming, who aren't tied to this place. also something i wish God would teach me, to focus on the things that are far away so that i would have hope for this day. and to remain faithful to the dreams i have of God and His faithfulness.
"For all the deepest thought compiled,philosophy to laws of physics, no one's ever heard or seen, a more beautiful thing, than this love that saved us." world without an end
"A darker world was behind this one Cryptic it hides beneath perception We all saw it on that day. Stunned we stood stuttering. What did the news say A new hope. Where is your freedom. A new hope. Here is your freedom" a new hope
""How's your life?""How are things?" "Great they're going okay!" Something stale and superficial, not to ruin your day. Something swell, something gay, with the toothiest smile, something sappy, something happy, something smells like bile. I don't want to burst your bubble, not to rain on your parade, underneath my skin I'm tired, limping down the path I've made. The clap of thunder in my veins, breaks on barren manifold, still and small and so mundane, the greatest story ever told." the greatest story ever told
"Fathomless your endless mercy,weight I could not lift. Where do I fit in this puzzle,what good are these gifts? Not a martyr, or a saint, scarcely can I struggle through. All that I have ever wanted,was to give my best to you. Lord, search my heart,create in me something clean. Dandelions you see flowers in these weeds." dandelions
"Healing hands of God have mercy on our unclean souls once again. Jesus Christ, light of the world burning bright within our hearts forever. Freedom means love without condition,without a beginning or an end. Here's my heart, let it be forever Your's, Only You can make every new day seem so new." every new day
ok thats enough. fif is an honest band with heart felt lyrics and you should buy their stuff. end o story. they make me happy. if you are looking for an update on me, its still about the same. some things are better and for that i'm happy. but what i want will take time, and so i wait. its hard, all life is, but God is faithful, this i know. appreciate prayers, and if you don't know what i'm talking about, please ask me. i would like to tell you, fo real. i shall leave you with one more quote from the princess bride.
"life is pain, anyone who says different is selling something"
if you like music like fif, you should check out stavesacre. their lyrics are amazing.
-- Lauren
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