Saturday, April 23, 2005

i know, i know, long time no bloggie

sorry for all avid readers of my blog who wonder, "when will he ever post again?" i'm sorry. i have been busy and quite honestly forgetten. my apologies. so we begin again.

you are prolly wondering what i have been doing, since you want to read my blog. school, work and upstream predominantly. way too much school work as of recently but do what you gotta do i guess. i've been seeing alot of folks recently as well. more than usual i think. which i like but i need to cut back on. otherwise, not alot really. ready for school to be over, ready to be at home for about a month and then ready for russia. whoop! looking forward to that. should be good. for those wondering if i'm finally outta that funk i was in earlier in the semester, i think so. mostly. i did read some ecclesiastes which has been great and i think given me a better perspective on some things. everyday things mostly and how i really want to take joy in knowing Christ and the love that Christ has for me. i know that i haven't been praying or reading as much of late which is no good. i think its cause i keep putting off and not dealing with a situation that i need to is the root of that. hopefully it will happen soon, i hope.

listened to a couple of great sermons the last couple o days. one by paris reidhead and one by david smithers. amazing. end o story and i hope that God will convict me with them and continue to change me into the image of His Son because of them. and i'm glad that He has reminded me that wisdom comes from His while confusion is of the enemy. russian also continues well and i hope that i'm alittle more fluent in it when i come back. i also saw a couple of my favorite people in the last three days whom i hadn't seen in awhile and who i will go run with this coming week. none of whom will read this but thats ok, i love em anyways.

no girl for those who were wondering about the last blog, it didn't work out, but thats ok i guess. "the sovereign will of God strikes again" to quote the exec impact t-shirts from last year. i know that i need to be more disciplined and still more bold in the way i do things and i am confident that God will provide those things at the proper time. but i was pleased to see that of me, mark and tres i still hold the top score on with a solid 9.4. eat it suckers. lol. totally kidding about that making my ego increase, i just thought it was funny. i have also hung with james and tres more which i like and murray as well, which i also like.

i think next year the ministry i will be apart of is.............. not upstream. wow, didn't see that one coming did yah. i know huh... crazy. campus renewal ministries is where i'm headed. unity in the body is something that has been on my heart and thoughts recently so i'll be doing things in that area. i think i will be an ambassador as they call the people who are officially affiliated with the org with megan utnage. so whoop for that. and i really need to get a bigger vocab and use paragraphs more. hummmmmmmmmmmm. nuff is enough. i have a verse for you about being extreme and living on the edge, which is were Christ calls us to be(see sermon by david smithers called extreme prayer, or pray til ya bleed)

"From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force." Matthew 11:12


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