Thursday, August 26, 2004

early morning sayings

so, its now 211am, which for me isn't so late, but should make for an interesting post none the less. cause the title of my blog will make more senese now. shout out for my friend mich who i talked to online til like 3am. you made me so happy. it really made my day. thanks also to char char for being the first person to comment on my blog and of course, same to carol browning, for getting me to start this crazy thing anyways. and now i have a great new toy to play with, and something to spend my time on. w00t. great word to by the way, i like using it again. oh, and everyone should go to this site and buy this cd and every other one from one the great christian rock bands. its the new pillar cd. got it tonight, whoop! its awesome of course.

so, here's what i'm thinking. and this is going to raise some eyebrows possibly. i'm sick of wasting my time in college hanging out with christian people and not doing anything worthwhile. cause all we ever do is waste time and never talk about anything. we make a big deal about our "freedom" to entertain ourselves. i don't think that this is a biblical concept. cause unless i missed it, our lives aren't our own and that we are called to serve and obey our God. and i know that someone will bring up the point of being able to enjoy God's creation. and i'm not against that idea but i don't know if we enjoy God's creation in the right way in entertaining ourselves. and plus, we do it way more often that serving or preaching the gospel, which ain't right. i also think that we should aim for pleasing God. too often we settle for saying, "but i'm not sinning by what i'm doing." which may be technically true, but are you really doing anything for the kingdom? and yes, i am an offender to my own point. i'm not mature enough to say no and not strong enough to push for something else. so maybe i think that i will push more for useful conversation with my friends. and def make an effort to hang out with more lost people. maybe some people at work. and i'm not against real fellowship, i desire it with my friends. but hanging out isn't fellowship. this is also the reason that i am against owning and doing certain things cause i believe that they bring us down and make us useless. these things being movies, tv, board games, poker, aim sometimes, the internet and some books even. i am completely for absolute renuciation of everything. i think it is biblical and would probably be good for everyone. part of this is a desire to be a old skool apostle that i have. to get rid of all else and pursue Christ alone. knowing and serving Him by being His witness. i think that is why i want to move to russia right now, cause i was doing kingdom work, even though i didn't actively share the gospel. i still want my times to be more productive, even though i know that they were a good start and i know that they will cause it will be more one on one stuff, which is bueno. but here at atm its so the christian bubble which we even make a big deal about getting out of, yet we don't do anything about it. again, pointing the finger at myself. hopefully this semester i can teach my upstream group about being productive with my time. the same with all my friends. cause sometimes i do enjoy just hanging out, but i want to pursue Christ more. so thats enough for tonight. suffice it to say, today was the best day for me in a at least a week, maybe all summer. i just don't know to many things about christianity. i can just hope to obey Christ is what i know to be right, and just listen for the rest.

so here's the quote, its another song. its called frontline and its from the new pillar cd.

"It’s not like I’m walking alone into the valley of the shadow of death
Stand beside one another, ‘cause it ain’t over yet
I’d be willing to bet that if we don’t back down
You and I will be the ones that are holding the Crown in the end
When it’s over, we can say, “Well done”
But not yet, ‘cause it’s only begun
So, pick up, and follow me, we’re the only ones
To fight this thing, until we’ve won
We drive on and don’t look back
It doesn’t mean we can’t learn from our past
All the things that we mighta done wrong
We could’ve been doing this all along
Everybody, with your fists raised high
Let me hear your battle cry tonight
Stand beside, or step aside
We’re on the frontline
And we’ll be carrying on, until the day it doesn’t matter anymore
Step aside, you forgot what this is for
We fight to live, we live to fight
And tonight, you’ll hear my battle cry
We live our lives on the frontlines
We’re not afraid of the fast times
These days have opened up my eyes
And now, I see where the threat lies
We’ve got to lead the way"



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